Volunteering for Environmental Cause During Public Gatherings

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Volunteering for Environmental Cause During Public Gatherings

During Adi 18th Hindu pilgrims flock to Perur Padithurai the Bathing Ghats on the upper reaches of river Noyyal, to pay respects to their dear departed. As part of the rituals they leave behind food items, plastic trash, clothes etc. In 2018 KKPA and other like-minded NGO’s teamed up and cleaned the garbage and trash, from the dry river bed and the precincts of the Bathing Ghats. The public were requested to use the dustbins for the rubbish generated. In 2019 they went a step further and requested the public to contribute the food and old clothes to them, after the rituals. The food and clothes thus collected were distributed to the poor in other parts of Coimbatore. The garbage waste left behind in the dry Noyyal river bed was cleaned by the volunteers. The very next day heavy showers flooded the banks of the Noyyal River and it was a relief to observe that it flowed down without the trash and garbage.